To affiliate a user to another school and/or project, you must be a local administrator for both the original and new school/project.
In the user file, in the School(s) section:
- Click on the Add a school button.
- You can type in the first few letters of the school’s name in the search field.
- Select the school from the search results. A message will appear in the top right-hand corner to confirm the user has been affiliated with the school.
- Click on the X in the upper right-hand corner to close the add school window.
To remove a school affiliation, just click on the red X located next to the school's name.
A message will appear in the top right-hand corner to confirm that the user is no longer affiliated with the school.
In this section, you can also assign an admin function to the teacher of a school which accounts have been populated automatically.
For more details about the admin function, see section : Admin function.
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