The Generate a PDF and Send via email buttons let the administrator send a mass email to the accounts listed on the mass email page in two different ways.
PDF mass email
Opting to send a mass email via PDF creates a file that contains the information each user needs to sign into the platform.
1- Use the filters to select the users
2- In the bar above the list of users, you can choose how you would like the pages to be sorted in the final PDF.
3- You can choose from two different mass email methods. Before clicking on the Generate a PDF button, you must select the mass email method you want to use. The one-per-page method is selected by default.
The one-per-page mass email method produces a file that contains one account per page:
If the user account has already been activated, the page will contain personalized information to remind users who have forgotten their passwords how to select a new one;
If the user account has not been activated, the page will contain the user's sign-in information and general information about the account activation and sign-in processes.
The eight-per-page mass email method produces a file that contains eight accounts per page. This method shows less information for each account:
- It provides users with activated accounts with their username and sign-in email:
For users who have not yet activated their accounts, the file also shows the account activation code in addition to the username.
- When sent to parent profiles, the file will also include the name of their child.
Mass email via email
The Email mass email option will immediately send messages to the personal mailboxes of users who entered an email address in their My account file:
If the user account has already been activated, the message will contain personalized information to remind users who have forgotten their passwords how to select a new one.
If the user account has not been activated, the message will contain the user's sign-in information and general information about the account activation and sign-in processes.
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