Make the group visible to group members
You must add communication rights if you want members to be able to see the group.
When you return to the main manual groups menu, you’ll see an option at the top of the list of users in your group.
By default, group members can communicate with each other. If you don't want them to communicate with each other, click on the green slider button next to the "Members of the group can talk to each other" option. Then, click on the Confirm button in the warning window that pops up. A message confirming that you have changed your group’s communication rights will appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
You can restore the communication rights between groups by clicking on the slider a second time.
Allow the group to see other users
To allow your manual group to see other users, you need to create a communication link between the manual group and the group(s) to which the other users belong.
1. Go on the Groups menu.
2. Click on the Manual groups tab.
3. Select your manual group from the left side of the screen.
4. Click on the Group communication rules button on the right side of the screen, which lists the selected group members.
5. In the first section, Who can group members see?, select the manual group, then click on the Add communication rights button in the inset for the group.
6. In the window that appears, select the group(s) with which you want your manual group to be able to communicate. The members of the manual group will be able to see and search for these groups.
Click on the Confirm button in the warning window that pops up. A message in green confirming that you have added communication rights to your group will appear in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
7. When you close the window, the added groups will appear in the Visible groups column in the Who can group members see? section.
The process for editing communication rights is explained in section : Managing communication rights.
Allowing other users to see the group
To allow other users to see the group, you’ll need to create a communication link between the new manual group and the group(s) whom you would like to grant access.
As in the step above, click on the Group communication rules button.
Then, below the step above, is another section, Who can see the group?.
Select the manual group, click on the Add communication rights button in the inset of the group.
Follow the same instructions as above in the part Allow the group to see other users.
⚠️ You can also use the User communication rules feature in the user file, which is listed under the Users menu. Adding communication rights to one of the user's groups lets the user see the manual group. The new communication rights will apply to all members who are added to the group and not just the selected user.
The process for editing communication rights is explained in section : Managing communication rights.
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